Schedule your Peer-to-Peer Claim Consultation
Have a detailed question about specific dental procedures on a claim or predetermination for one of your Delta Dental of Kansas patients? We're here to help. Easily schedule a half hour meeting with one of our dental consultants to have a peer-to-peer discussion on your claim.
Please note that a peer-to-peer claim consultation does not replace the formal appeals process.
Scheduling your meeting is easy:
- Log in to your online Dentist Account here.
- Once logged in, select the Documents tab. Select Schedule a Peer-to-Peer Claim Consultation under the Dentist Resources section.
- Select a doctor* and an available date/time
- Complete the form - you will need to provide your name, email, dental office name, phone number, and claim number
After scheduling your meeting, you will receive a confirmation email with a video link to join the meeting. If your communication preference is for a dental consultant to call you AND you chose that preference on your form, please ignore the video conferencing information included in the email, a dental consultant will call you at the designated meeting time.
*Please note, if you have a question involving a periodontal claim, please schedule with Dr. Satheesh.